The playground committee is pleased to announce that the playground build was a success on September 25th! 220 people took time out of their lives to pull together & build a much needed playground for the children of DES, as well as to honour a much loved youth in our community. Keith will always be remembered for his warm and caring heart. He was a faithful friend to many, always smiling and making others laugh. He was a great athlete who enjoyed a variety of sports, with soccer being his favorite. Keith touched many lives with his positive presence, and we are pleased to honor his memory through our school and community project.

We would like thank the donors below for contributing to our project & also to the carpenters who built such a beautiful outdoor classroom for the school.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


The Digby Branch of Grant Thornton will be holding a bbq on Wednesday, July 28th on the boardwalk in Digby, across from Scotiabank, with all proceeds going towards our project. The bbq will be held from 11:30 am to 1:30pm. Hotdogs, sausages & pop will be served.
This is an great example on how businesses can help with our project.
Thanks Grant Thornton!


This week, committe members were given brochures of our project and are now going out into the community to approach potential donors regarding our project. We are anticipating a lot of support, as not only are we planning on building a playground, but an outdoor classroom, garden & a walking track, that can be enjoyed by everyone in our community. Some businesses have already contibuted towards our project before being approached as they realize its importance in the community.

See below for brochure or copy & paste the links below to print: YmMzMDg4YTNmYjhj&hl=en&authkey=CJvwl70L MWJmNjk2M2I1N2M0&hl=en&authkey=CKi0mawC

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Playground Design

Check out the playground design for our new playground!